How to use In-Person events to hack content

This actually works...

A little-known content hack I’ve discovered this past year:

In-Person networking.

Meeting face-to-face with people.

Here’s how it works:

You go to in-person events, masterminds, or spend time with other business owners in private.

You take photos, get insights, share ideas, etc.

A few things ALWAYS happen as a result:

  • Post pictures with them

  • Talk about your experience in content

  • Become mutual, engaging followers with each other

Everytime I do this, the posts get extra engagement and I add a new, notable follower to my list.

Just recently I made a tweet about all of the networking I’ve done this past year and of course, it did pretty well.

This is a little hack you can use to build that “Who Follows You” metric while also building valuable relationships.

If you already do this, try weaving tweets like this into your content.

See you on 𝕏witter,


I released a bundle of all 3 of our Marquee courses.

  1. 𝕏 MBA

  2. PESTO Pillars

  3. Personal Brand Math

If you’re one of the hundreds of people who want to learn from us, but aren’t quite ready to work with our agency - I recommend checking it out!

Here’s the link: