Spoke to 100 sales reps

I recently spoke to 100+ Sales Reps at an event in Austin, TX.

The #1 thing I learned:

Great sales reps are more than just extroverts who like to talk.

One of the biggest challenges our clients face is hiring good sales people.

I asked the best Sales trainers and Agency owners in the building:

“How do you find the diamonds in the rough?”

Their most common answers:

  • Former Athletes and Former Military make some of the top 1% sales reps

  • Reps who have their back against the wall (it HAS to work) almost always succeed

  • Fast learners and self-starters. People who don’t need to micromanaged to get their job done

I also gave a pretty cool panel discussing organic content and the Sales+Marketing feedback loop.

If you’re not already, subscribe to Youtube to watch when it drops:

Hope this helps!

