We're going viral...


1 of our client’s is going crazy viral (again).

In the last 90 days:


  • +10,000,000 Video Views

  • +100,000,000 Impressions

This is the power of having content pillars.

When you divide your content into the five PESTO Pillars, you have more flexiblity in what you can create.

This gives you a better chance to go viral.

This gives you a better method of monetizing that virality.

I don’t expect this to happen to all of you (or even our clients).

But I do expect people who are subscribed to this email list to create all kinds of content:

Personal, Expertise, Social-Proof, Trending, Opinions.

Free Content Tip:

Use Trending content to gain virality, then use Social-Proof and Expertise to nurture and convert the new audience.

