How to go viral on 4th of July

Trending tweets explained

4th of July (and any other holiday) is a great day to capitalize on trends.

It’s one of the most important pillars in PESTO.

It’s one of the key ways we’re able to generate results like this for clients.

I’ll tell you now:

You’re going to see ALOT of 4th of July tweets and threads.

The game’s the game.

How do you particpate?

Think of ways to tie 4th of July themes into your niche.

Keywords and topics related America, Independence, 4th, etc. are all fair game if you can bridge the gap back to your target market and industry.

Don’t just go viral for the sake of it.

The Trending Pillar done properly has a way of generating engagement and followers than can be converted to sales down the road.

Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸

