i have a confession...

the tea that I've wanted to spill...

I have a confession to make.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while but didn’t want to say it.

The Birdhouse is a 100% success rate for client’s who are ready for us.

If a client has a desirable offer with case studies and product-market-fit…

We crush it for them.

I always say:

“If it’s gonna work on 𝕏, it’s gonna work with The Birdhouse”.

You see, the truth is that not every offer is a fit for 𝕏/Twitter.

Your offer needs to be more dialled, more specific, and backed up by testimonials and case studies to deal with the increased skepticism.

So use this as an ‘𝕏 Offer Checklist’:

  • Does your offer have a specific outcome?

  • Does your offer have a specific mechanism?

  • Does your offer have case studies or testimonials?

If the answer to all 3 is yes, you’re ready to scale (book a call with us).

If the answer is no, you need to do one of 3 things:

  • Offer a specific outcome (with #’s and Timeframe)

  • Create a specific journey or inputs that the client will do

  • Work 1-on-1 or Free with clients until you have a transformational case study

Hope this helps,
