August 2024 at The Birdhouse

Record month...

August 2024 has been a record month for The Birdhouse.

Our previous record:

64,035 followers gained on 𝕏.

Our new record:

64,697 followers gained on 𝕏.

It’s also a record-month for calls booked on 𝕏 (360+) and LinkedIn (80+), but we don’t have the official numbers yet - I’ll make a tweet when we do.

So now that I’m done flexing, what can YOU learn from this?

I’ll boil this month’s success to 3 big pillars:

  1. Trending —> It’s an election year. Now more than ever people are paying attention to content related to the world, the media, etc.

  2. Storytelling —> Skepticism is rampant. I’m seeing people in Tiktoks go out of their way to NOT buy products that will give creators a commission. 😂 — You need a story that makes people cheer you on.

  3. Social-Proof —> Along the same lines, people need to trust you. Prove to them that you are who you say you are. Bring the receipts.

Shameless plug - you can learn about the PESTO Pillars here.

Every month there’s a new meta that you need to catch on to in order to get maximum results.

The best creators you know are either doing it on purpose or have developed the natural muscle to take advantage of what’s working.

Experiment like mad scientist…

