3 million-dollar businesses, 3 insights:

My real-life notes

I sat down with three, million-dollar business CEOs.

We spent 30-minutes discussing their business, their biggest constraints, and how to solve them.

Here’s a look into my notes (and my top 3 insights):

  1. What gets measured gets managed.

If you aren’t tracking how many DMs you’re sending, what % of calls show, how many posts your creating, etc.

You’ll have no data to improve upon.

We ask clients for all of this data and more so we can point out and improve constraints weekly.

  1. You are your own bottleneck.

One of the CEOs is closing 40 new clients every month. But they do everything.

You need to ‘clone yourself’ and delegate tasks as you grow or you will hit a ceiling.

Setting, Closing, Content, etc. are all ‘outsource-able’.

  1. Raise your prices.

There is data you can look at to decide whether or not you need to raise your price.

But the bottom-line is that raising your price by 50% can raise your profit by 200%.

Your expenses do not change based on price.

And if you’re niched down properly, you can become a luxury product/service.

This is high-level stuff but I know some of you readers will be able to implement it.

Especially if you’re a Coach, Consultant, or Course-creator doing $10k/mo+.

If that’s you and you want to SCALE on 𝕏/LinkedIn - book a call with me here.

